Create Ribbons and Other Cool Graphics in Seconds
If you've been surfing for any length of time, you've seen ribbons all over the web. Many sites seem to support causes of all kinds, and they often show their support with a ribbon. You know what I mean, a POW ribbon or a Support your Friend ribbon or whatever.
Now if you've ever tried to create one of these by hand in your favorite graphics editor you know the simple ribbon can take hours to get right. You want the twists just so, and the shadows perfect. After all, it's for a good cause, right, so it's got to be perfect.
Well, now there is a better way to get those ribbons. You can visit the Matic Central site ( and create beautiful ribbons in seconds! This is one of those applications that is so cool, so neat, that you can easily go wild. And why not? Create lots and lots of ribbons supporting every cause you can think of!
If you don't like or are fed up with ribbons, how about taking your pick of dozens of other icons? You can create balloons (like the one's in cartoons with the words in them), religious symbols, astrological signs, smiley's, and many other shapes with your own custom text.
Here are your various options.
Ribbon-O-Matic ( - You like all those ribbons that you've seen on web sites all over the net? Here is a really cool on-line utility which lets you create them fast and easily.
Icon-O-Matic ( - Tired of ribbons? Try Icon-o-matic and create your own icons with your own text!
Gallery ( - Look at and use tens of thousands of icons and ribbons created by others!
Now if you've ever tried to create one of these by hand in your favorite graphics editor you know the simple ribbon can take hours to get right. You want the twists just so, and the shadows perfect. After all, it's for a good cause, right, so it's got to be perfect.
Well, now there is a better way to get those ribbons. You can visit the Matic Central site ( and create beautiful ribbons in seconds! This is one of those applications that is so cool, so neat, that you can easily go wild. And why not? Create lots and lots of ribbons supporting every cause you can think of!
If you don't like or are fed up with ribbons, how about taking your pick of dozens of other icons? You can create balloons (like the one's in cartoons with the words in them), religious symbols, astrological signs, smiley's, and many other shapes with your own custom text.
Here are your various options.
Ribbon-O-Matic ( - You like all those ribbons that you've seen on web sites all over the net? Here is a really cool on-line utility which lets you create them fast and easily.
Icon-O-Matic ( - Tired of ribbons? Try Icon-o-matic and create your own icons with your own text!
Gallery ( - Look at and use tens of thousands of icons and ribbons created by others!