Basic Website Structure
Developing website structure is one of the first tasks in a new website planning process. Careful organizing website content and creating the website structure sets the foundation for a new website and its future success. Combined with other factors, a website with well-categorized content easily and quickly can obtain a high level of usability, search engine ranking and user trust. Let’s look at the basic website structure.
Basic website structure can be mainly divided into two types: hierarchical structure and flat structure. When it comes to the development of serious websites, web designers and SEOs prefer using hierarchical approach in order to further generate navigation links and create site maps. The aim behind the website structure is creating navigation which allows users to get the content they look for easily and quickly. Here are a few of the factors to consider when creating a new website structure:
> Analyze potential target audience needs and expectations
> Create an appealing, organized and easy to navigate Home Page
> Organize website content and pages into categories and sub-categories
> Remember the 3 clicks rule (the visitors should make no more than 3 clicks to get what they are looking for on a website)
> Do not overweight the site pages with distractions and irrelevant information, etc
> Develop the sitemap
Website structure should include the following basic web pages:
Home Page
Website Home Page is the first main page visitors view when visit the website. All websites have a Home Page. Home Page is the most vital website page for getting search engine rankings.
About Page
About Page tells the users what the website is all about: website subject, aim, as well as gives information about website authors and founders.
Contacts Page
Any website should generally include various methods of making contact with the website owner, website admin or website developer.
Sitemaps are an essential part of large websites, e-stores and websites with huge content that is hard to reach via the links.
The search tool is an important part of the website navigation structure, as it makes easier for users to find information they want by typing the keywords into the search box.
Depending on a website type and goal, the website structure can include web pages: Portfolio, Company Story, Blog, News, Links, etc.
Anyone looking to start a website should first develop well-organized and easy navigable website structure backed with top quality and relevant content.