Google Page Creator

Creating a Web site has never been easier. Google has again outdone itself with Google Page Creator. There is a waiting list for Google Page Creator right now and you must have a Google account to even sign up to sign up for Google Page Creator. To get a Google account you either have to know someone who already has one and have them send you an invite or you can get a Google invite by cell phone if you have a cell phone with text messaging.

After you sign up for an account with Google you will need to request a Google Page Creator account. To get a Google Page Creator account you need to go to the Google Page Creator page. Enter your Google email address, that's the one you received when you signed up for a Google account, into the box and click on "Add to Wait List". Then you wait until you receive an email from Google Page Creator telling you that your Google Page Creator account has been enabled.

Once your account has been enabled, this could take weeks or even months, you will be able to create your first Web page in minutes. The simple to use point and click design will have you creating great looking Web pages and and an entire Web site without really thinking too much about how to do it. Google hosts the pages you create with Google Page Creator too so you know your Web pages will be safe.

There are 4 different layouts and 41 different styles you can choose for the look of your Web pages. You can change the way your text looks too. Choose different colors, styles and size for your words. Make them bold, italic or change the font style. When you want to add text just click on the page right in your browser and start typing. When you are ready to publish your page just click "Publish" and your done.

This is great for those of us who have very little time, energy or patience to create a Web site and yet want one or need one. It took me only a couple minutes to create my first page and you can do it too.  

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