What does it mean to be professional?
Being professional can help an online applicant secure a job offer.
It can also lead to more work and other potential opportunities.
Professionalism is observed when an online worker does and finishes a
task at a given time. Ideally, such judicious competence underlines the
need for submitting quality work.
There are those, however, who forgo quality in exchange for meeting a
deadline. A worker then needs to be careful in doing her/his online job
to avoid tarnishing not just the kind of product s/he delivers, but
her/his name as well. If completing it conflicts with a personal errand,
s/he knows what to prioritize. Otherwise, it is better that s/he inform
or negotiate with the employer to give her/him a modified deadline.
A professional online employer, on the other hand, does not post
fraudulent ads on job sites. S/He has a legitimate business identity and
offers a
potential employee a good reward and benefits
scheme. Exploiting workers is not part of her/his value system and
business ethics. For instance, many online ads for freelance writers
offer a measly payment.
This shows that people who paid for these posts think that writing
articles is easy. But serious writers often do research and spend time
rewriting and editing their work before submitting the final one. Thus,
offering less than a dollar to $10 per article is deemed unfair, if not
Why open communication is necessary
Being able to talk to one's boss while doing a job makes
communication an integral element in maintaining a good online work
relationship. The lines should always be open for the good of both
This aids transparency and helps build trust. Emails, phone calls,
chats, and every other medium that can facilitate the communication
process are important. Questions, suggestions, and anything else related
to work that needs to be resolved can only be addressed through open
and honest communication.
Importance of respect
Being a professional and able to communicate involves respect.
Respect entails valuing the time and resources that both employer and
worker can offer each other. This also plays a crucial role most
particularly in handling differences. Both parties should use words that
they would not regret expressing.
Online communication does have its own nuances. Consequently,
misunderstandings can happen. Both parties then should be mindful of the
words they use. In cases of serious disagreements, it is still vital to
settle issues before either party decides to terminate the
Good behavior knows no boundaries
Professionalism, open communication, and respect are all important in creating and maintaining good online work relationships.
These not only ensure trust and a good name for both employers and
workers, but they also preserve human dignity even in the virtual realm.